Governor of Maharashtra
Hon’ble Shri Ramesh Bais
Disha Shikshan –V- Vikas Kendra’s, E. B. Gadkari Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital is located in the MIDC Area of Gadhinglaj City a sub district place in the State of Maharashtra of Indian nation. The college conducts the BHMS Degree course in Homoeopathic system of Medicine recommended by the Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH), New Delhi and approved by the Ministry of AYUSH , Government of India with effect from the academic year, 1991 – 92 .
This College was started by Disha Shikshan –V- Vikas Kendra , Gadhinglaj and was inaugurated on the 16th September 1991 at Gadhinglaj , Dist- Kolhapur . The college has been recognized by the Government of Maharashtra for conducting the degree course in Homoeopathy from the academic year 1991 – 92 and was affiliated previously to the Shivaji University, Kolhapur, and from the academic year 1998-99 the college has been affiliated to the Maharashtra University of Health of sciences, Nashik.
The college has been also recognized by the Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) , Ministry of Health and family welfare, Government of India, to make admissions of 50 students in the college from the academic year 1991-1992 onwards . In future the intake capacity will be increased up to 100 for BHMS degree course.
As on today 1400 students have been admitted in the college for 5 ½ year BHMS course and out of them 1200 students have successfully completed their BHMS course. The average percentage of BHMS passing in the college is above 80% and the results are better in every University examination session. The students presently studying in the college are from various cities located in the state of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, U.P, M.P, Bihar etc. The students from our college come in the university merit regularly.
This college has its own 25 bedded hospital in same campus. In addition to this 100 bedded Sub District Hospital of Government of Maharashtra is also attached to this college. The college has enriched library with 7892 textbooks and reference books on various subjects. The library is well equipped with various national and international journals and magazines along with additional facilities such as digital library, internet connectivity, photocopiers, etc.
This college has a highly qualified teaching faculty. The best teachers from Gadhinglaj city and nearby places that are renowned in Homoeopathy and Modern Medicine branches such as Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Orthopedics, etc are working round the clock in the college and the hospital to create the best Doctors through this college. This college is also doing excellent in university level sports, extracurricular and co-curricular activities as well.
The ALUMINI (ex- Students) of the college are doing best private practice including Classical Homoeopaths and Family Physician. Some of them are also working on various posts/field in the country and abroad.
A sincere attempt has been made to meet all the necessary requirements to make the college an ideal one. The entire approach is such as to attract and inspire the students for a deeper drive in the system of Homoeopathic Medicine to develop this college as research center in Homoeopathy in near future. MD (Hom) courses in all subjects will also be started shortly.
The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences with jurisdiction over the whole of the State of Maharashtra is established and incorporated on 3rd June 1998 for the purposes of ensuring proper and systematic instruction, teaching, training and research in modern medicine and Indian Systems of Medicine in the State of Maharashtra, and to have balanced growth in the medical sciences so also an uniformity in various courses in medical faculty in the State. Head Office is located at Vani-Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik.
Governor of Maharashtra
Hon’ble Shri Ramesh Bais
Minister of Medical Education
Shri. Hassan Mushrif
Dr. Rajendra Bangal
Mr. Bramhanand Narasu Patil
Dr. Raghunath Fagare.
Lt Gen Madhuri Kanitkar (Retd)
Prof Dr. Milind Nikumbh
Shri Narasu Bharamu Patil
Dr. Manoj Mahaveer Patil